What to expect 3 weeks after a hair transplant? Best tips!

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What to expect from the post-surgery period after a hair transplant procedure? Is it painful? What activities are to avoid? How to care for the donor and recipient areas?

Here is everything you need to know 3 weeks after a hair transplant!

This advice does not replace medical attention, and patients experiencing pain or severe discomfort after a hair transplant must notify their doctor in the shortest delay.

If the patients experience discomfort in the first thirty-six hours after a hair transplant surgery, they feel their very best after three weeks. The healing period is over; it last about ten days after the surgery, so there are no more open wounds or scabs.

3 weeks after a hair transplant: how does it look?

3 weeks after a hair transplant, the donor zone has completely healed, and the hair is growing back. The recipient area has healed too, the grafted hair grows back a little bit, but they will quickly fall as the follicles enter a rest phase known as the telogen phase. The loss of the grafted hair occurs about a month after the surgery, so the patient is better aware this phenomenon is normal and does not mean the transplant failed.

There are no more scabs or edema (swelling) and the scalp appearance is significantly better.

3 weeks after a hair transplant: what to do and what to not do?

After 3 weeks, as the skin has healed and the grafts settled into the scalp, the patient may feel free to shower using the shower jet (he must avoid it during, at least, the healing period because of the pressure of the water may damage the grafts).

It is still early to resume physical activities, especially contact sports such as basketball or martial arts. However, the patient may enjoy gentle exercises such as stretching or walking if they do not involve significant sweating or any risk of pulling out the grafts.

Doctors recommend waiting at least one month before resuming violent and intense physical activities such as sports involving balls, martial arts, and bodybuilding.

Patients must stay away from aquatic activities in a pool or the ocean for at least three months after the transplant.

As the healing period is over, the patient may apply a natural moisturizer such as aloe vera on the recipient area to help the hair grow back faster and healthier. Eating healthy, quitting smoking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are excellent ways to get the best result from a hair transplant procedure.

What to do if you are unsure?

A patient who is unsure about what to do or not 3 weeks after a hair transplant may feel free to ask his hair counselor from the clinic where he underwent the transplant. Reputable clinics are always happy to help, not only before but also after the surgery.

How to get a hair transplant?

A patient must look for a reputable clinic performing the best technique available to get a hair transplant. The best hair transplant technique available is DHI hair transplant, as it offers outstanding results, is non-invasive, and is faster to heal than any other hair transplant method. Patients with a more important hair loss may go for mega DHI, a DHI hair transplant with more than 4000 grafts. This technique is not as widespread as FUE but offers much better results.

At Hair Turkey, our doctor is a specialist in the DHI and mega DHI hair transplant methods. We are proud to offer mega DHI as our standard hair transplant technique.

Get the best at the best price; get in touch with us via WhatsApp or our contact form!